In Memory of






Condolence From: Sherrie Drinnon Pierce
Condolence: So sorry for your loss. I hadnt seen Kevin since our school days, but always remembered him as a very nice person. Prayers for the family.
Monday August 04, 2014
Condolence From: Liz Barnett
Condolence: Mike/Cindy: Numerous condolences from your former M-Tek family. Your (M-Tek) girls will come help y'all unpack. Just say when!
Friday August 01, 2014
Condolence From: Mark & Belinda Nunn
Condolence: Clarissa, we are sorry for the loss of your dad. We will continue to keep your family in our prayers. Mrs. Belinda
Thursday July 31, 2014
Condolence From: Dianna Feltner
Condolence: Beverly & Clarissa I am so sorry to hear of Kevin passing away. I will continue to pray for God to comfort you both in this time. Love Dianna
Thursday July 31, 2014
Condolence From: Brenda Fitzhugh Davis
Condolence: What a shock it was to hear about Kevin. I am so sorry for your loss. The Parker family has been through so much lately but we all know that God is in control of every situation. You all will be in my heart and prayers. Just know that Kevin is dancing around Heaven with Patricia.
Wednesday July 30, 2014
Condolence From: Jack & Tammy Brandon
Condolence: Bev we just want you and Clarissa to know how sorry we are to hear of CAP'S passing. We loved him like a brother and he was a great friend. He will live on through our stories of the past. We will always carry him with us in our hearts
Wednesday July 30, 2014
Condolence From: Pam Lovell
Condolence: I am so sorry for ya'lls loss Beverly. I just spoke with him the other day. He has always been a wonderful person with the greatest of intentions. He will be missed greatly by all who knew him. I pray God will comfort ya'll.
Wednesday July 30, 2014
Condolence From: Mike Keel
Condolence: I'm so sorry for your loss, Beverly. I thought the world of Cap. I pray that God will give you all comfort in your time of mourning.
Wednesday July 30, 2014
Condolence From: Barney and Maria Volak
Condolence: So sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and your family at this difficult time.
Wednesday July 30, 2014
Condolence From: Charles and Carol Williams
Condolence: Beverly so sorry to hear about Kevin. He was a good man. Our deepest sympathies with your family. God Bless.
Wednesday July 30, 2014